What is the Difference between Kaffir Lime and Regular Lime?

3 min read

What is the Difference between Kaffir Lime and Regular Lime?

What is the Difference between Kaffir Lime and Regular Lime?

Limes are one of the most commonly used fruits in the world. Kaffir Lime (Citrus Hystrix) and regular Lime (Citrus Aurantifolia) are two citrus fruits that share some similarities, but also have distinct differences that set them apart.They are used in cooking, as a garnish, and as a flavouring for drinks. However, not all limes are the same. Two types of limes that are often compared are the kaffir lime and the regular lime. While both limes share similarities, they also have significant differences. In this article, we will explore the differences between the kaffir lime and the regular lime.

Overview of Limes

Limes are citrus fruits that belong to the Rutaceae family. They are small, round, and usually green or yellow in color. The two most common types of limes are the Persian lime (also known as the Tahitian lime) and the Key lime. These limes are used in cooking, baking, and as a garnish for drinks.

The kaffir lime is a citrus fruit that is native to Southeast Asia. It is also known as the makrut lime or the Thai lime. The kaffir lime is widely used in Thai, Indonesian, and other Southeast Asian cuisines.

Kaffir Lime vs. Regular Lime: Appearance

One of the most apparent differences between the kaffir lime and the regular lime is their appearance. Regular limes are small, round, and typically green or yellow. They have a smooth, thin skin, and their flesh is green and juicy.

Kaffir limes, on the other hand, are smaller than regular limes, with a bumpy, dark green rind. The leaves of the kaffir lime tree are also used in cooking and have a distinctive, double-lobed shape.

Kaffir Lime vs. Regular Lime: Flavor

The flavor of the kaffir lime and the regular lime is also different. Regular limes have a tart, acidic flavor and are often used in drinks or to add a citrus flavor to dishes. Kaffir limes have a more complex flavor profile that includes both citrusy and floral notes. The rind of the kaffir lime is often used in Thai and other Southeast Asian cuisines, while the juice is used less frequently.

Kaffir Lime vs. Regular Lime: Culinary Uses

Regular limes and kaffir limes are used differently in cooking. Regular limes are often used to add a citrus flavor to dishes, such as ceviche or guacamole, or to add a sour flavor to drinks like margaritas or mojitos.

Kaffir limes are used in Southeast Asian cuisine for their unique flavor and aroma. The leaves, rind, and juice are all used in cooking. The leaves are often used to flavor soups, curries, and stews, while the rind is used in curry pastes and marinades. The juice of the kaffir lime is less commonly used but is sometimes used to add a tangy flavor to sauces and dressings.

Kaffir Lime vs. Regular Lime: Nutritional Value

Both kaffir limes and regular limes are low in calories and high in vitamin C. They are also a good source of dietary fiber and other essential vitamins and minerals. However, kaffir limes are typically used in smaller quantities than regular limes, so their nutritional impact on a dish may be minimal.

Kaffir Lime vs. Regular Lime: Availability

Regular limes are widely available in grocery stores and supermarkets throughout the world. Kaffir limes, on the other hand, are more challenging to find outside of Southeast Asia. In some areas, kaffir limes may be available in Asian grocery stores or specialty food stores. Alternatively, you can grow a kaffir lime tree

Kaffir lime tree


Visit our Shopify store and purchase your very own Kaffir Lime tree today. With its fragrant leaves and distinctive fruit, you'll have access to a versatile and flavorful ingredient that's sure to impress your taste buds. Don't miss out on the opportunity to enhance your dishes and explore the delightful world of Southeast Asian cuisine. Order now!

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